Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Week one of the New year Sister Project

My sister and I have started a new thing for the new year. We will have 4 projects to get done in a month, or 1 a week. We should do one a week , some will take longer then a week so 4 in a month. And when we get them done , we will make each other have a "good mail day" just for fun. But being accountable is the biggest motivator and having someone care about what and how you are doing on these mundane tasks that WILL make life easier, Is a Great Bonus. Us moms and housewives do allot of projects and are proud of ourselves but don't really have anyone to share it with that will care about it. So its is nice to have someone to show.

So for the first of my 4 weeks projects

The kid part of the library shelves. They are out of control, and it makes me nuts.

this is part of the library shelves, this shelf holds the little kid book, and a few educational toys on the bottom.

another picture of the same shelves

Here is the after of the same shelves

Another After shot of the shelves because they are soo pretty. We did organize the books by color and it looks very pretty. An added Bonus the girls like putting the books back away in the color order, to keep the rainbow.

It did inspire me work on more of the shelves so here is a picture of more of the shelves, This is only half of the book shelves. The rest will have to be another project, they include allot more office supply stuff, which I do not have a system that works yet for the office yet.

So that is the first of my projects , It does make me happy to walk past those shelves now.

1 comment:

  1. Well done! The books in color order so they will be more likely to put them back where they got them is a GREAT idea!
